Typical distraction from the real cause of disease.

That's why they find the sequences and antibodies in healthy people.

But the sick people get the label they pre defined in order to cover up for the real causes.

Example: polio blamed for paralysis caused by ddt and arsenic based pesticides .

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Really well put together Vil.

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This Has Been A 100 Year War

On Natural Immunity.

It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory

For Natural Immunity

And End This War.


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Immunity from what?

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You Raise An Interesting Point.

Might I Suggest Instead

“Natural Resolve”

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Hello, Please consider the following conclusion to the article linked below. I am trying to find out who is suing Pfizer in the EU:


Conclusion The Covid vaccines are not about vaccinations, but about delivering an unknown artificial gene sequence as metallic gene carriers into the human body, as with the Trojan horse. The intended goal is to bypass the human immune system, while it's on the edge of break down, to deliver the foreign gene that manipulates the human genome. Nine techniques were required to completely crash down

the human immune system, while the carrier can pass the human gene expressing alert system.

1. A mRNA was injected with artificially replaced bases

2. The artificial bases were additionally modified to enhance interaction between artificial mRNA and natural human tRNA.

3. The optimizing translation aide (Kosak sequence) was changed

4. The cap region was changed by methylation.

5. The modified stop codons were modified into disadvantaged codons.

6. The actual antigen of the pathogen was changed by two point mutations 7. The binding of alpha globulin enhances the affinity of recombinant animal-human gene combinations, that might have been rejected otherwise.

8. PEG lipids were misused for allergic immune provocation.

9. Metallic immune adjuvants trigger a toxic immune reaction A total of nine techniques are required for a single injection to completely shut down the human immune system. The metallic adjuvants produce well-known symptoms of poisoning such as silicosis with silica, iron poisoning or chrome poisoning. This study highly recommends the implementation of toxicology screenings of adjuvants on covid vaccinated, which have been listed by Li(19).

Furthermore, to complete the clinical picture of Covid and Covid vaccine side effects, a retrospective toxicological screening of Covid deceased is also strongly recommended. If the Pfizer “vaccine” were really a new type of vaccine, why have all the established gene expressing processes have been changed that could support the translation success, such as optimized start/stop codons,? Why was an incorrect Kosak sequence used? And if the mRNA “vaccines” supposedly contain the spike protein of the pathogen, why were only 24% of the pathogen's antigene sequence included? Why are mRNA products distributed as vaccines, who host 80% of an unknown genome?

And how can such a highly fragmented RNA of a pathogen be translated at all into a functional protein? And why were metallic and semi-metallic non-approved adjuvants used and not even listed in the package insert or in the WHO Pfizer paper, as per GMP requested (Good Medical Practice)? Humans are seen here as part of a production chain to satisfy the greed for profit of an entire technology and pharmaceutical industry. The pathogen for the Pfizer mRNA has yet to be developed so that we can even speak of a vaccine. The only effectivity that can be proven with these genemodified drug products is the effective immune breakdown. And it becomes clear that the complete collapse of the immune system was intended with the combination of high dosage together with the right choice of toxic adjuvants. If these genome experiments are not stopped with immediate effect, not only could any kind of future artificial gene sequence be delivered into human cells, but possibly all of our DNA bases could be replaced by artificially generated bases. To be very clear. The complete artificial alteration of our genome would lead to an alienation of our kind.."



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From: FactsandScience <factsandscience@protonmail.com>

To: George Mogiljansky <mogiljan_2@yahoo.ca>

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 03:13:32 p.m. EDT

Subject: Re: Your Article From 2022 Feb.22

You might want to read this one.


Case against Pfizer filed with European Prosecution Office for product fraud

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