Contagion is the boogeyman they use to keep us in a state of fear...and to make money off of us as well.

Thank you for the sources.

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This is a remarkable collection of published reports, which repeatedly challenge the presumption that polio is a contagious disease. Yet the official position is that it is contagious. Capture of medical journals and corruption of officials and “key opinion leaders” appears not to be a modern phenomenon.

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Excellent compendium.

When presented, some retort "Old Research" - these particular individuals act (pretend?) like these reports never happened. As if, without any critical examination, later science takes precedence over countless historical reports and 'wet' / organic investigations (as compared to modernized in vitro or in silico techniques)

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Hi Aldhissla, arrived here via your post at Spacebusters.

This is amazing research!

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Ah, thanks 😁

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Great article! Contagion is the medical version of "guilty until proven innocent," a ruling-class legal doctrine fought against and repudiated over 800 years ago.* No wonder the ruling class so loves virology and its hell spawn contagion.

* "No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land." Magna Carta (1215), Art. 39.

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I’ve no doubt that lead arsenate, and ddt were the culprits. I read an article somewhere that Franklin Roosevelt swam in a pond in New York that was contaminated with runoff from fields that had been sprayed with ddt. I wonder in the case of bill gates, and the polio vaccine he used to give so many children polio I believe in India. What is in that vaccine that gives them these same symptoms?

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It might have been in _Moth and the Iron Lung_? (I doubt that it was DDT, as it came into widespread use only after the second war to end all wars, whereas FDR as a teenager or young adult would have swum in that pond around 1900 or 1910 -- maybe it was one of the arsenate pesticides?)

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Good sources. I will edit to include a link to this in an article I wrote about polio in 2022.

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Thank you!!!

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Will you send me a link to your article please?

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Sure. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't edited this yet to include the other information. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/polio-was-not-caused-by-a-virus-nor

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Thank you for this. Another user on Substack sent me here to read, as I was considering giving my son the polio vaccine. It’s the ONLY one I was considering but still didn’t feel good about it. What’s crazy is, how do they STILL not know the origin of it? The etiology? They don’t know if it’s a germ or what!! This is suspicious.

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Well, with such little evidence against polio being contagious, can you expect the public to listen? (ya right) It is as believable as the moon landing, the boogie man and so many other comparisons. With the almost never ending list of articles disagreeing with fact that polio was contagious, you would think people would wake up. But as Seinfeld stated "people, They're the worst.

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No, they won’t listen because the public has been indoctrinated for far too long.

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Fantastic work!!

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Thanks :)

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Great compilation! Thank you!

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This is what I mean by "gold mine"

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So much new information, so little time!

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Excellent work! Thank you for this.

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This is such an unbelievable collection and such a great source of information, thank you!

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Thanks! :)

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Its amazing all these eminent people of medicine and science never thought of anything else .! ....DDT use ....sprayed on fruit and veg.....hence the explanation of polio being more common on rural areas....more friit and veg being consumed!

I had a friend who has passed now

from an abdominal

He was given an orange as an infant..as a treat ...they were rare here in Scotland back then....and obviously came to the UK on a ship from some tropical country. He very soon developed polio and had a life of misery and operations on his paralysed leg and arm . He got some functional movement back years after

but remained disabled all his life.

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