This information should be printed out and put in every paediatrician's letterbox, with the warning that persistently ignoring the facts and "vaccinating" children of unsuspecting parents constitutes deliberate bodily harm and fraud, which will not remain without consequences.

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One of my favorite quotes crafted by Mr. A: Vaccines are witchcraft, rooted in pseudoscience predicated on insane barbarism, rife with fraud and immense hubris.

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It’s the hubris part, Pride for all the Bible thumpers. Status-seeking monsters weave continuous spells to ensorcel the masses.

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There has to be a connection between the Flexner brothers and the Rothschilds. Trying to find it...I know it's there. Lots of Zionist connections between them all.

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From Wikipedia entry on Simon Flexner:

"Simon was born in Louisville, Kentucky, to Moritz (Morris) Flexner, a Jewish immigrant from Neumark, Bohemia, ... and Ester from Roden, Germany."

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At this point , it’s pretty damn clear the whole of virology as a pseudo science was created as a cover up for the real reasons of disease.

And once that invisible enemy silly theory gained traction thanks to Rockefeller money and that damned drezner report…

They figured out the testing , diagnosis and supposed treatments for that invisible enemy

Is a virtual gold mine that never runs out !

And with that virus bullshit engraved into the peoples’ mind they also figured out that this was the ultimate way to get any chemical into any arm of any citizen …

What more could you possibly dream of as a medical industrial complex ??

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If we can get people to accept the injection into their body of an unknown substance, we can get them to do anything. - Henry Kissinger (paraphrased). It was always a psy-op.

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Animal torture without control experiments = indisputable proof of viral infection - couldn't possibly be the torture that makes the lab animals poorly. By the same logic, during the Spanish Inquisition, it wasn't the rack that elicited confessions and made the victims wretched - it was a virus.

Brilliant work once again, Mr. A!! Thanks for shining a light on the blatant fraud at the heart of viroLIEgy.

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"By the same logic, during the Spanish Inquisition, it wasn't the rack that elicited confessions and made the victims wretched - it was a virus."

Well stated!

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I’ve used the exact same metaphor. Perfectly apt. The rack made the devil come out of the sinner! Lol

Of course, the torturer does not relent until the required and expected “confession” is procured. “Seek, and ye shall find” just took on a new meaning.

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Polio declined way before the shot came out.

Same with other diseases.

But the crooks claimed the credit.


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Salk Vaccine 1955

Sabin Vaccine 1961

And the earth is not flat.

Now go away

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Did you look at the graphs?

The red ones, zoom in bottom right. Polio.

The death numbers were already low at that point.

Where did I say the earth was flat?

Do you label everyone that you disagree with a flat earther?

I'm not. So there you go.

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I agree that the earth is not flat, but the claim that the Salk and Sabin vaccines were responsible for the decline in Polio cases after 1955 is not supported by as much undeniable scientific evidence as the roundness of the earth, so I don't think you can put anti-vaxxers in the same tinfoil hat class as the anti-vaxxers of which I am one.

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Great article - thanks for posting. 🙏

Vaccine Safety from the Horse’s Mouth . . .

After decades of aggressively promoting vaccines, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world's leading vaccinologist, recently admitted the fact that vaccine safety has never been robustly studied as he has long claimed.

Link: https://rumble.com/v586lod-after-decades-of-aggressively-promoting-vaccines-of-all-kinds-dr.-stanley-p.html

A paper that Dr. Plotkin co-authored was in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on July 6, 2024. It reveals that no vaccine has ever been properly studied either before or after its release.

Link: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2402379

This is tantamount to learning that the Ford Motor Company knowingly developed and sold tens of thousands of SUVs to the public, and then later admitting that the vehicle’s brakes were never adequately tested—a blatant policy failure resulting in thousands of collisions and deaths.

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From Wikipedia entry on Stanley Plotkin:

"Plotkin was born and raised in New York City, the son of Jewish parents, Lee and Joseph Plotkin, who emigrated from England."

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Similar to Plotkin was Meyer Lansky, another mobster with the same ethnic background who chose a slightly different career path. Lansky produced the same results as Plotkin, only his organization rejected the concept of peer review studies and didn’t require years of formal schooling or medical credentials: MURDER INCORPORATED :)


A Polish Jew born in the Russian Pale of Settlement; Lansky immigrated with his parents to New York’s Lower East Side in 1911. By 1918 he and the American gangster Bugsy Siegel were running a floating crap game and then graduated into highly lucrative auto theft and resale. In the course of the 1920s Lansky’s gang branched into burglaries, liquor smuggling, and other rackets and came under the aegis of crime boss Giuseppe Masseria. Lansky and Siegel had also developed a squad of professional murderers for hire, the prototype for the later Murder, Inc., headed by Louis Buchalter and Albert Anastasia. Lansky became a naturalized citizen in 1928.


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Very informative comment!

I think about Lansky every time I see a Hollywood film featuring the Italian Mafia. The Hollywood hucksters like to deflect attention from the Jewish mob by keeping the Italian version front and center in the popular imagination.

The Jewish mob is very good at keeping a low profile, but it seems their sub-culture permeates so much of the rest of their ethnic group. Rabbis involved in organ trafficking, Jewish domination of the porn industry, and the white collar crime of the financial titans comes to mind.

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Anna, excellent observation.

As an Italian, I can say that—while Italians have their shortcomings like any other ethnic group—they have suffered enormously by Hollywood’s portrayal of Italians in American cinema.

When “The Godfather” was released, many Italians voiced their discontent with Francis Coppola and his Zionist backers in Hollywood. Forget the huge contributions that Italians have made throughout history: art, architecture, science, and agriculture—they were easily swept under the carpet. This is the price people pay when they come to America from other countries and buy into the “American Dream.” They are more often than not demonized, ridiculed, and taught to hate themselves and their great culture.

In terms of cinema, Italian Neorealism REDEFINED filmmaking. The works of Fellini, Rossellini, and De Sica are masterpieces. As I watch these films today, I am amazed by their stunning direction, cinematography, and brilliant acting.

My recent post, “Italian Neorealism and the Future of Humanity” attempts to correlate the conditions of post WWII Italy to what we are experiencing to today.

Link: https://followthesilence.substack.com/p/italian-neorealism-and-the-future

Below are links (all free) to a few of my favorite films, incredible historical documents and a prelude to where we are headed in the years to come.


Ciao, bella


Umberto D (1952) Vittorio De Sica

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY6IcXg3YJo

In my view, this film is arguably, one of the greatest films ever made. Carlo Battisti (Mr. Ferrari, the main character) was a college professor and taught Italian linguistics in real life. Amazingly, Umberto D was his first and last role as an actor. As a former actor, I can tell you that most actors could only hope to accomplish that level of emotional depth and achievement in two lifetimes. I also loved the landlady and young, pregnant, housekeeper. They were brilliant!


Rome, Open City (1945) | Roberto Rossellini

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX5ACMyu_lQ


Bicycle Thieves - Vittorio De Sica | 1948

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVw2ctnL22M


Germany Year Zero (1948) | Roberto Rossellini

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFbg8shVH-Y


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Thank you so much for the links! I will definitely check them out.

I have never been to Italy, but I do love Italian culture. I just found a supplier of Heritage Italian vegetable seeds this year and I am so excited to sow my Italian progeny.

No one knows gardening like the Italians - especially if you love to cook as much as you love to garden!

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Little known fact: Many Italian immigrants who migrated to America in the early Twentieth Century brought with them a number of skills, including a vast knowledge of masonry, gardening, and agriculture. Many traveled to California where they were key in the early development of California’s successful agricultural business that turned into “America’s Salad Bowl.”

Mexicans also have tremendous gardening and agricultural skills and have long since replace Italians in the fields of California.

I’ve studied horticulture and soil management and have worked and volunteered on a number of organic farms up and down the northeast. I also have a certification in composting. If you are gardening, I would like to suggest a great book on microbes and soil biology, now free online:

Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, by Jeff Lowenfels. The forward was written by Dr. Elaine Ingham (you may have heard of her), a pioneer in the world of Actively Aerated Compost Tea [AACT].



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Thank you for this!

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Absolutely brilliant work 👏🏻 well done

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Glad you liked it

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This article is perfect, as far as I can tell. Thank you.

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DDT being sprayed on EVERYTHING prior to “polio outbreaks” in children. Hmmm

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50 Studies: EMF + Toxins = Virus-Flu Pandemic (I added a link to your article next to the Polio info)


My twin mothers (raised by sisters) both got Polio from the vaxx itself, so I have an interest in the truth - Everything point to toxins.

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A well written article, some of the history I had not seen before. For more information on the DDT history of polio see the whale site here:


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The sad fact is that majority of people don't know what Flexner did with his report on the state medical education on behalf of Rockefeller patentable medicines- they believe the myth of the Spanish Flue and never heard of Dr Rosenau study of 1919 that disproved the contagion model .Dr Lee Merritt has done some excellent report on the Sp Flue https://drleemerritt.com/ and I have written on Flexner as the wrecking ball to traditional medicine on my substack

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