Did you know that arsenic poisoning can cause chicken pox and shingles? Did you know a known side effect of arsenic trioxide - chemotherapy used for leukemia - is eruptions (sometimes extremely severe) of chicken pox and shingles? Did you know a known side effect of chronic arsenic exposure can cause lesions and blisters and rashes to appear that look quite a lot like chicken pox or shingles but sometimes doctors decide it's not the virus it's just the arsenic (but other times they decide it's just the virus and not the arsenic)? The explanation for when arsenic exposure causes blisters and lesions that a doctor decides "are chicken pox or shingles" vs some other kind of blisters and lesions that "are just the poisoning" is that supposedly "the varicella zoster virus was dormant but arsenic damaged the immune system and it got reactivated."

But did you know that dogs and cats exposed to arsenic via skin contamination can develop lesions and blisters that look quite a lot like chicken pox? (It's not though, it's just poisoning!).

Did you know that the first widely used pesticide first used in the late 19th century was lead-arsenate? This was used until the 1980s. Other arsenic-based pesticides were only finally banned from use in the United States in the early 1990s (right before they started the "chicken pox vaccine" campaign).

Airborne and subsequent water contamination of arsenic has been declining in the US and UK as coal-fired power plants have been phased out, although coal ash is still a major source of arsenic poisoning that could seep into groundwater or be absorbed by plants and subsequently by wildlife or livestock feeding off contaminated grains, passing on the arsenic to other animals or humans who eat them. Rice, in particular, is highly prone to arsenic absorption.

Did you know that in England and Wales chicken pox cases were declining throughout the 80s and 90s and into the 2000s without regular chicken pox vaccination? This, of course, was as Western countries were phasing out coal-fired plants and arsenic-based pesticides.

And, of course, there are other toxic metal poisonings - acute or chronic - that can cause a variety of lesions, blisters, and rashes, that to my admittedly untrained eye, look - quite a lot like chicken pox.

I'd put links in here to various pubmed references and old medical literature but I'm too lazy.

The point is my brief foray into reviewing the medical literature seems to indicate that sometime as simple as "chronic arsenic contamination of local well water" could lead to outbreaks of "diseases that look a lot like chicken pox" or to "diseases mischaracterized as chicken pox" or "diseases that REALLY WERE chicken pox (in humans) but not chicken pox (in animals) because 'the immune system was damaged'". Take your pick.

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please make a series of posts on this, PLEASE.

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I made a random note to myself on "my substack" that has some links to papers and sources. As I slowly make my way through some old science papers I may write some stuff up but likely not as thorough as aldhissla here, I'm only marking things down on here so I don't lose my own notes on my laptop.

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This is a really interesting - thank you for sharing that.

I was talking about what you wrote with my husband, and he pointed out something else to consider in the mix, so to speak: once you've had chicken pox once, you're supposed to be unlikely to contract it again.

How do you think that might (or might not) fit in with the arsenic hypothesis you've outlined above?

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I think it might be several things. (I think). One, is if you get arsenic trioxide chemotherapy you are somewhat likely to get chicken pox and shingles (that is a direct injection of arsenic) regardless of your prior immunity, vaccination, or even measured antibody titers. So I think if the dose was high enough (esp. via direct injection) it'd likely happen anyhow.

Two, although I grew up with this idea ("when you get it when you are a kid you are immune later") I've never known any adult who "got chicken pox naturally." Maybe I didn't ask enough adults if they "had it when they were a kid." Shingles maybe (which is supposedly a "chicken pox reactivation" but why is the symptomatology so different?) but not chicken pox. The only person I know who got "severe chicken pox" (so severe it killed them), coincidentally, "got it", after arsenic trioxide therapy for leukemia. (At the time I didn't know the connection). As an aside, the very elderly and otherwise immunosuppressed - their immune systems "don't work 100%" or even nearly at all. We should see them "getting chicken pox". I don't think we do.

Three, is I suspect kids develop symptoms more readily than adults at lower doses. E.g., X mg/kg is more likely to affect a 15-30kg child than a 50-80kg adult. This (I think) would create the illusion that "kids get it and then you are immune" for most people.

Four, is kids live in a parallel world to adults: they drink juice boxes (there have been juice box recalls for arsenic contamination), eat processed foods marketed towards kids (candy, etc), they (or I used to anyhow) play on and touch pressure-treated lumber playground sets for hours per week or day (they are plastic now or using lumber that is today no longer treated with arsenic), play with toys from China/wherever, etc. The possible exposure (esp. skin exposure) might not be the same b/n kids of a certain age and adults.

Five, it might not just be arsenic. If arsenic is known to cause "herpetic skin lesions", why not chromium or selenium or... pesticides or whatever? (Also, what exactly do they put into the vaccines that overwhelmingly get injected into young children?)

Six, is the human body can gain "tolerance" to chemicals: think of an alcoholic or heroin addict essentially becoming "immune" (so-to-speak) of higher-and-higher doses of said chemical agent. Why not arsenic? (Or other toxic metals or pesticides that might also be causative agents).

Those are all of my thoughts.

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Very interesting thoughts! Thank you for taking the time to detail them all.

It's strange to be questioning all the assumptions I have always taken for granted with respect to health issues - but the "authorities and experts" have done so much to discredit themselves over the past 4 years, it would be foolish to do anything else.

And of course, the more one uncovers, the more one realizes the whole charade has been going on for so much longer than just the last 4 years.

I suppose the silver lining in all of it is for our critical thinking skills to get kick-started... as yours already have been.

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My father used to send me to the kindergarten when there were "epidemics" like rubella and so on. I never got one.

And I was a fragile child.

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Viruses have never been proven to exist. That rules out any "disease" caused by any so-called virus. Who profits? the medical mafia owned by the demons who control the people that run the world. Well, as their plandemic proved, millions are no longer buying their b*llsh*t.

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It almost doesn't even matter whether or not "the pox" or "the flu" or "the measles" is deemed to not be transmissible or to be transmissible or anything in between.

Just give me any present day or historical instance of any "widespread" disease or illness and I'll prove that the very concept of that disease is nonsense and the story behind the illness narrative is one of fraud, deceit and racketeering.

Pull back the curtain of every one of these instances of "epidemics" or "pandemics" or even mild "community outbreaks" and what you will find is that those who were "afflicted" lived in similar environments and had or have similar stories.

So yeah, guess what the Roma population in parts of Europe e.g. live in squalor have nutritional deficiencies and miraculously somehow get "measles outbreaks."

Oh wait guess what, your town, unbeknownst to the populace until years later, just had nuclear waste secreted into the garbage dumps which then leeched into the water supply and oddly around this same time inexplicable illnesses were being "transmitted" throughout the village.

The examples are everywhere we look.

Every single facet of the official "disease story" is a lie.

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Ok so can you explain to me how all 6 of my children got the chicken pox at the same time after exposure to kids who had it and then my friends 7 kids came over, played with my kids, drank out of their cups and got them, then that friend mailed suckers her kids had sucked on and t-shirts her kids wore while sick with the chicken pox to her friend out of state and her friends kids got them?

I seriously want to know this! I don’t really believe in viruses anymore. I think yellow snot is lymph fluid not viral. But I just can’t figure chicken pox out. Is it some sort of hormone pheromone or frequency? 🤷🏼‍♀️

BTW these kids had zero childhood vaccines.

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Arsenic poisoning (water / food / etc) can either cause blisters, lesions, and rashes that look a lot like chicken pox and/or shingles, or "causes a dormant chicken pox virus to reactivate and cause chicken pox and shingles".

Just google "arsenical chicken pox" or "arsenical shingles" or "arsenic-trioxide chicken pox" and side-effects of arsenic poisoning on the skin of humans, cats, dogs, etc.

It doesn't prove it's not a contagious disease but IMO what is interesting is that ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact of arsenic can (according to the medical literature) either "reactivate the dormant chicken pox virus" or "cause skin lesions / blisters / rashes" that look quite a lot like chicken pox.

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Both of my daughters had chicken pox within a couple of days of each other. They had been to vacation Bible school. I’m not sure I believe in virus theory but it was interesting they were both sick at the same time.

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i had to stop watching the ‘tech’ series “Scorpion” they are supposed to be intelligent, but the writers are just brainwashing people with it….showing people with supposed high IQ talking as though viruses are real….🤦🏻‍♂️☠️💉☠️💉🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

Q: How many other series do this? prob 99% +

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Every one of these so called pathogenic diseases are cover stories for the real causes, like environmental and stress factors.

They also pull this shit with vaccines.

The COVID shots were bad because of the foundation, the lipids are toxic... Just like previous shots with their toxic adjuvants like aluminum.

Instead they push the red herrings out. With COVID shots, the mRNA, DNA contamination, graphene, spike protein etc.

With past shots they used sv40 to hide the fact it's the adjuvants.



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