You should do a writeup on rabies at some point. The entire story is ridiculous, from the extremely complex behavior of "the virus" (<12,000 nucleotides in an RNA virus that can infect and spread throughout your body into your brain where it lies in wait to cause neurological problems before migrating into your mouth to infect your saliva and inducing you to bite people to "spread it" - complex behavior considering saliva and mucrous consists of at least 12 mucinic compounds encoded each by genes of 7,000 nucleotides or more), its purported lethal fatality rate (100% in humans!), the exceptionally few - near zero - "rabies deaths" over the past 100 years (in the US anyway), the "vaccines" over the years (initially injecting you or your dog with goat or rabbit brains - which caused autoimmune neural problems, sadly), the fact that it caused near-zero problems until the 1980s when they started of course pushing new "vaccines", it's "isolation" and "vaccine" development by Pasteur in 1885 (rabbit brains injected into living rabbit brains ground and injected into yet more poor rabbits' brains), the notion that (despite the virus TEAMING in an animal's saliva) the only way to "detect" it is to kill the animal and do a dFA test on its brain tissue, and so on. The entire story is insane and ridiculously silly. But when you think about it, really mostly just psycho-killer-Jeffrey-Dahmer-animal-torturing level insane given certain government mandates on the rabies vaccines in different locales and the need to slice and dice brains to "find it."
And, to boot, in many states, all pets or people who work in "high risk" groups have to get vaccinated every 3 years. Why? Because you simply *MUST* have "rabies" "antibodies" floating around in your body at all times to "be immune." Other vaccines can "protect you" for 10 years, sometimes forever, but not rabies, it's 1-3 years max "because antibodies".
COVID was a real eye-opener into the total lunacy and insanity of virology and vaccines, I gotta say. Anyhow thank's for all the other articles you've written each deep dive is a learning experience into how flimsy this "science" is.
Superb publication!! Who‘d have thought a soup of cellular debris, whipped up by a cytotoxic cocktail, drenched in heavy metal stains, then blasted by an electron beam, could magically transform into ‘hard evidence‘ of a ‘virus?‘ Ah, viroLIEgists - science‘s very own performance artists.
When they view a Jackson Pollock, they're not just appreciating abstract art, no, they're scrutinizing then hypothesizing each splatter to be various pathogenic ‘viruses‘ based on the differing morphologies produced by Pollock‘s wild brushstrokes!! Who knew ‘viral‘ discovery was so avant-garde!!!??
Very nice review. Thank you. I often wonder that when these "doctor/scientist" people come up against a total refutation of their theory of disease, they never change the theory. Hmmm... Interesting. I thought that was the whole thing with "science" postulate a theory, then test it, see what happens and change the theory accordingly. Their addiction to the idea of "germs-for-everything" is a religious/cult like behaviour and indicates some serious problems within their "world". Not a world I subscribe to as simple observation proves it wrong - repeatedly.
Thank you for your efforts to expose the "virus" pseudo-science. I am still adding various articles to this link - I have added two of your articles here -
A collection of Articles showcasing the "No Virus" Perspective
We still haven't been able to visualize a 'virus' as the potential disease agent. I'm beginning to wonder if the originating agent is not a 'thing' per se but rather information? Imagine that! Or for cancer, the first cell begins abnormal cell reproduction as a result of dysfunctional information. What would constitute such snti-orgsnism data?
So what is causing so much cell debris? Could it be the massive increase in electro-magnetic radiation?
5G is a vital part of the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset. Humanity is sleep walking into extinction - mainly because they haven’t joined all the dots and are probably reading this on a 5G device, oblivious to the threat they are holding in their hands.
If a virus was never isolated for polio, then what is the antigen in the polio vaccine since there is evidence that the polio vaccine can cause polio s/s?
Hi Akdhissla. This is sort of a DM to you. At the offset of the fake pandemic, I was made aware of the lack of isolation of viruses and potentially harmful effects of vaccines. I’ve followed A Kaufman, Lanka, Cowan, the Bailey’s, etc ever since and find the subject fascinating.
In my opposition to vaccines for my children currently(flu jab) , I am reminded by my family, proponents of vaccines, that 9 years ago my unvaccinated daughter got an almost life threatening case of the measles. Only 2 of her other of her classmates were not vaccinated and they also got the ‘measles’ rash albeit very mild cases.
I understand that if a virus has never been found then contagion is unlikely a result of a a virus. But Whatever the kids got seemed contagious and had something to do with not being vaccinated. Am I missing something? Thanks.
My 6yr old daughter hasn't had the flu vaccines nasal spray this winter and indeed won't be ever having one. I can't say she has been any worse off than any other children over the past 3 or 4 weeks for not having it.
Here lies the territory we are going into postulating no virus and no contagion. I think we should be a little cautious with no contagion. For instance perhaps we can get sick by resonance...weirdly enough when teaching a class of kids the other week one of the children were very snuffly etc and for a few minutes I started to feel the same until I left the class went home and the symptoms disappeared completely. Anyway that's one story and just a bit of a wild guess and anecdote. Your story of the measles issue is interesting. Recently after the school gave out nasal spray flu vaccines and indeed likely many adults received their flu jabs, well low and behold two weeks later colds are doing the rounds..could it be some of the toxins are breathed out, could it be simply temperature changes as we head towards winter in the UK. Once again there is the possibility of contagion, I don't think we should totally throw it out. Could it be your daughter having not been injected but breathed in or was exposed some how to some of the vaccines from others breath etc and her system reacted to it badly yet the others systems dealt with it maybe in a slightly less dramatic way? Perhaps other children were very ill too but you didn't know about it? It's a tricky line of enquiry and one we are all trying to figure out unless we are convinced there is no transmission at all and the case is toxins/environment.
No you cant. We may "start our own detox cycle by resonance" but thats not "getting sick". That part happens BEFOREHAND. I cant eat your crappy food, smoke your cigarettes. THATS the sick part.
The healing phase (coughing, sneezing, fever, etc) is what people mistake for "getting sick".
You should do a writeup on rabies at some point. The entire story is ridiculous, from the extremely complex behavior of "the virus" (<12,000 nucleotides in an RNA virus that can infect and spread throughout your body into your brain where it lies in wait to cause neurological problems before migrating into your mouth to infect your saliva and inducing you to bite people to "spread it" - complex behavior considering saliva and mucrous consists of at least 12 mucinic compounds encoded each by genes of 7,000 nucleotides or more), its purported lethal fatality rate (100% in humans!), the exceptionally few - near zero - "rabies deaths" over the past 100 years (in the US anyway), the "vaccines" over the years (initially injecting you or your dog with goat or rabbit brains - which caused autoimmune neural problems, sadly), the fact that it caused near-zero problems until the 1980s when they started of course pushing new "vaccines", it's "isolation" and "vaccine" development by Pasteur in 1885 (rabbit brains injected into living rabbit brains ground and injected into yet more poor rabbits' brains), the notion that (despite the virus TEAMING in an animal's saliva) the only way to "detect" it is to kill the animal and do a dFA test on its brain tissue, and so on. The entire story is insane and ridiculously silly. But when you think about it, really mostly just psycho-killer-Jeffrey-Dahmer-animal-torturing level insane given certain government mandates on the rabies vaccines in different locales and the need to slice and dice brains to "find it."
And, to boot, in many states, all pets or people who work in "high risk" groups have to get vaccinated every 3 years. Why? Because you simply *MUST* have "rabies" "antibodies" floating around in your body at all times to "be immune." Other vaccines can "protect you" for 10 years, sometimes forever, but not rabies, it's 1-3 years max "because antibodies".
COVID was a real eye-opener into the total lunacy and insanity of virology and vaccines, I gotta say. Anyhow thank's for all the other articles you've written each deep dive is a learning experience into how flimsy this "science" is.
Great work like always!
Thank you.
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Dr Jane Ruby explains the genocidal Globalist agenda a must watch
Amazing! You certainly do some serious digging through the annals👏.
Can I pick your brains? Have you discovered any links on Foot & Mouth Disease (or "virus") I could peruse? It's for an article I'm researching, ATM I have this;
and a preview of "A Manufactured Plague" by Abigail Woods.
Thanks! 👍
Scroll down to Foot-and-Mouth Disease in this article by Mike Stone.
Cheers for that, I'd forgotten Mike had written about it.
Superb publication!! Who‘d have thought a soup of cellular debris, whipped up by a cytotoxic cocktail, drenched in heavy metal stains, then blasted by an electron beam, could magically transform into ‘hard evidence‘ of a ‘virus?‘ Ah, viroLIEgists - science‘s very own performance artists.
When they view a Jackson Pollock, they're not just appreciating abstract art, no, they're scrutinizing then hypothesizing each splatter to be various pathogenic ‘viruses‘ based on the differing morphologies produced by Pollock‘s wild brushstrokes!! Who knew ‘viral‘ discovery was so avant-garde!!!??
Very nice review. Thank you. I often wonder that when these "doctor/scientist" people come up against a total refutation of their theory of disease, they never change the theory. Hmmm... Interesting. I thought that was the whole thing with "science" postulate a theory, then test it, see what happens and change the theory accordingly. Their addiction to the idea of "germs-for-everything" is a religious/cult like behaviour and indicates some serious problems within their "world". Not a world I subscribe to as simple observation proves it wrong - repeatedly.
Fantastic article!
This is top digging, mate. Awesome work.
Thank you.
Thank you for your efforts to expose the "virus" pseudo-science. I am still adding various articles to this link - I have added two of your articles here -
A collection of Articles showcasing the "No Virus" Perspective
That’s great :)
We still haven't been able to visualize a 'virus' as the potential disease agent. I'm beginning to wonder if the originating agent is not a 'thing' per se but rather information? Imagine that! Or for cancer, the first cell begins abnormal cell reproduction as a result of dysfunctional information. What would constitute such snti-orgsnism data?
So what is causing so much cell debris? Could it be the massive increase in electro-magnetic radiation?
5G is a vital part of the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset. Humanity is sleep walking into extinction - mainly because they haven’t joined all the dots and are probably reading this on a 5G device, oblivious to the threat they are holding in their hands.
If a virus was never isolated for polio, then what is the antigen in the polio vaccine since there is evidence that the polio vaccine can cause polio s/s?
to phrase it that way assumes the virus model is true…but it has never been proved, and has been thrown out!!
instead you can look at the particles and see if anything in there would be harmful.
the answer is no!
Hi Akdhissla. This is sort of a DM to you. At the offset of the fake pandemic, I was made aware of the lack of isolation of viruses and potentially harmful effects of vaccines. I’ve followed A Kaufman, Lanka, Cowan, the Bailey’s, etc ever since and find the subject fascinating.
In my opposition to vaccines for my children currently(flu jab) , I am reminded by my family, proponents of vaccines, that 9 years ago my unvaccinated daughter got an almost life threatening case of the measles. Only 2 of her other of her classmates were not vaccinated and they also got the ‘measles’ rash albeit very mild cases.
I understand that if a virus has never been found then contagion is unlikely a result of a a virus. But Whatever the kids got seemed contagious and had something to do with not being vaccinated. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Am I missing something? Thanks.
My 6yr old daughter hasn't had the flu vaccines nasal spray this winter and indeed won't be ever having one. I can't say she has been any worse off than any other children over the past 3 or 4 weeks for not having it.
Here lies the territory we are going into postulating no virus and no contagion. I think we should be a little cautious with no contagion. For instance perhaps we can get sick by resonance...weirdly enough when teaching a class of kids the other week one of the children were very snuffly etc and for a few minutes I started to feel the same until I left the class went home and the symptoms disappeared completely. Anyway that's one story and just a bit of a wild guess and anecdote. Your story of the measles issue is interesting. Recently after the school gave out nasal spray flu vaccines and indeed likely many adults received their flu jabs, well low and behold two weeks later colds are doing the rounds..could it be some of the toxins are breathed out, could it be simply temperature changes as we head towards winter in the UK. Once again there is the possibility of contagion, I don't think we should totally throw it out. Could it be your daughter having not been injected but breathed in or was exposed some how to some of the vaccines from others breath etc and her system reacted to it badly yet the others systems dealt with it maybe in a slightly less dramatic way? Perhaps other children were very ill too but you didn't know about it? It's a tricky line of enquiry and one we are all trying to figure out unless we are convinced there is no transmission at all and the case is toxins/environment.
No you cant. We may "start our own detox cycle by resonance" but thats not "getting sick". That part happens BEFOREHAND. I cant eat your crappy food, smoke your cigarettes. THATS the sick part.
The healing phase (coughing, sneezing, fever, etc) is what people mistake for "getting sick".