Wow, quite a barbaric process in order to create a shot that really didn't prevent people from toxicity of DDT and other pesticides giving them paralysis. Talk about bullshit jobs, that's a bullshit invention!

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Abosolutley Asinine

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This article is not believable!

Written by a germ theory critic !!!….. Non scientific believer !!!!

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That's the way to challenge a point. 😂

Call them names like they did to Galileo who was challenging the "science".

Some doctors and scientists believe in creationism because a few thousand year old religious old text says so.

Should I dismiss them because they are critical of evolution and nature?

You see how stupid it is to label something instead of call out the points that they are wrong about?

So please Dr.... Tell us what is wrong in this article. And stop being such a baby with the name calling.

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Well, if you've got their video explaining the process, you gotta think through it. And what were they thinking?!

I had a client whose husband "found" the rabies virus. He passed on about 3 years ago, she said this past summer. She said they would "search for viruses then create the vaccine". What if we weren't so obsessed with viruses? Seems it gives mad scientists a chance to play, at the expense of so many.

I spent nearly 6 months in a bed at a children's hospital. At 8 years I suddenly became so ill that I couldn't hold my head up. My side was "caved in". I am so grateful to a neighbor and nurse who was taking us swimming. Mary Subercrubi (sounds like). She saw this and got the ball rolling for my admission to the hospital. What do know is that I was sent to Hattie Bs later in my stay. A place I am slowly finding information about. Apparently, this was a place opened for those recovering from polio, which I never saw any of. Myself, I had myocarditis after what was said to be rheumatic fever. There were 10 people in my house, how was I the only one affected w this brand of strep that was said to cause it?

Was it recovery from vexx injuries?

I mean, what could go wrong with a concoction like that?

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Very disturbing, maybe even more disturbing is the lack of questioning or curiosity that so many people exhibit, especially parents.

"Witches" I know are practicing healing arts...

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Worst crime I ever committed to my children in the early 1990s was getting them jabbed through sheer ignorance, and just following the mantra at the time. Even then they only received a third of what the poor children of today receive. My research over the last 4 years has only one conclusion, which is the pro vax lobby are the thickest people on planet earth regarding the subject, and the doctors , in the know, who dish this garbage out are evil with zero morals. The ‘colour by numbers’ doctors , the group that lack any thinking skills, who just follow directives without being able to join dots, might not be as evil, but are just as useless!! NONE would be out of place working alongside Josef Mengele in 1940s Germany !!

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Exactly, I agreed with almost everything you wrote, only the Joseph mengele history ( war propaganda) isn't actually what we brainwashed believe.Everyone knows Dr. Josef Mengele, the evil Auschwitz doctor who sent countless Jews to the gas chambers, performed cruel, pointless medical experiments on inmates, and gave twin research a bad reputation. But how do we “know” about his many diabolical deeds?

The most important source for what Mengele is said to have done at Auschwitz comes from the Hungarian Jew Miklós Nyiszli, a forensic physician who claims to have been Dr. Mengele’s assistant at Auschwitz. In 1946, he published a book about his traumatic experiences while he was at Auschwitz. Over the years, his book has been translated into all major languages of Europe. It has become one of the mainstays of the orthodox Auschwitz narrative, right next to the testimonies of other key witnesses, such as that of the former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss, or of Elie Wiesel.


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Oddly enough basically all testimony of atrocities during the Holocaust comes from Jewish people who claim they were performing the atrocities for the SS. They got extra food, you see, so they were induced to kill the Jews and do experiments on them.

It is actually the official story of the Holocaust - agreed upon by everyone who claims it happened - that Hitler's Willing Executioners in the Camps were Jewish doctors, Jewish "sonderkommandos", and so on.

It's something many people resolutely refuse to acknowledge about the easily obtainable "evidence" of the atrocities: the people doing them were Jewish. (So the story goes). Basically all evidence comes from Jewish people saying "The SS asked me to kill the Jews for them in return for extra toast and soup and I said, damn shawty OKAY! and did it. BTW, every German including 4 year olds knew what was happening and it's actually all their fault, because they should have known what was happening even though it happened 300 miles away from them. But I was the guy physically doing everything. Pinky promise. Not my fault though, I was just following orders (that's an excuse if an only if you are Jewish), so give me me reparations check."

That is actually the actual Holocaust story. Not even remotely exaggerating or "denying the reality of it". It's the actual story.

That's the actual story when you dig into it.

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Pair what you've said with the fact that there is no physical evidence for the purported atrocities of the official Holocaust narrative. Just lots of "eye-witness" testimony. Provided by people who still receive reparations cheques. Oh vey.

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I’m so glad that people(like yourself) are getting it. And that you are doing such a great job of breaking down the methodologies. The devil is in the details!

I used to think that vaccines were more con than pros. Then I learned there were NO pros! ThankYou

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Who in their right mind would see this concoction and think that it works?

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Good question 😁

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Most won't even want to look into it to begin with.

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99.895% of baby boomers and 95% of gen-xers and possibly now 99.995-100% of millenials and zoomers.

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Wow. Was that scientific? Not helpful!

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The original small pox vaccine was derived from cow pus. Yum

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“Vaccines are witchcraft, rooted in pseudoscience predicated on insane barbarism, rife with fraud and immense hubris.“

An absolutely perfect summation!! Great expose!! Hats-off!! 👍👍

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But false

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“The strains of virus used in the vaccine were Mahoney (type l), MEF-I (type 2) and Saukett (type 3).”

To this day the "wild type" viruses circulating in the wild are simply re-manifestations of these 3 types discovered 70-80 years ago. Just now, in Gaza, "MEF-I wild type 2" poliovirus was suddenly discovered when suddenly one child "got paralyzed in the warzone" "because of the virus" so there was a great humanitarian effort to stop bombing children to "vaccinate them against wild type 2 virus" before getting to back to the important task of bombing them again.

It's just absolutely amazing they isolated these specific types of virus ages upon ages ago and there are never a bakajillion bazillion new variants every year to confound our virology, it's just one of the 3 same original types of virus from the 1950s over and over.

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I guess it's a version of "different strokes for different folks": different narratives for different "viruses."

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I wonder how many normies will wake up from reading this post, I venture to guess 2-4%......nah too generous.

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You'll pry their vaccines from their cold dead hands. Normies *LOVE* their vaccines, and *LOVE* forcing everyone around them to get vaccinated. It's their religion.

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And if one refuses or questions one is liable to be called a Fascist.

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or a racist, or a misogynist, or any other derogatory name, but we will never hear a rebuttal or reason why they can't answer the question, or why they say it is wrong or why they say it is a lie. I notice that a lot

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I just read the book “The Moth in the Iron Lung”. It is a chronology of polio and It blew me away! As a nurse of 45 years,I realized I have been lied to about polio my entire career. I urge everyone wanting the truth to read this book.

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Awful...and to think, some of these steps are not too different from how processed food and vitamins are made today. Thanks for the great article!

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Gee, did anyone else notice all the naked hands on those researchers, doctors and nurses? And only a few even had a flimsy cloth mask over their face! Surely many of them came down with paralysis, right?

And those "well-cared-for" monkeys, in a wire cage next to a window--how cozy!

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Great article!

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Unbelievable! And the medical field has never researched this process? Why? How??

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Thank you for your great work on exposing the Polio "virus" fraud .. I have added links to your articles here -

What really caused the Polio epidemic?


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I think that even this revelation of the "production process" is just a facade and we are only seeing the official, toned-down version, which was probably intended to show off at the time, along the lines of: "look how progressive we are"...

The unofficial version will be that much more cruel experiments were organised, probably even with people who were unable to give their consent (convicts, orphans, disabled people), and the "tolerable dose" was determined so that not every patient would die immediately. And only then did they start the mass experiment.

This megalomaniac "science" is also mercilessly vain.

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Thank you. You gave me the final layer of my understanding of this madness. Appreciate your work and dedication on researching and getting this together to share! Blessings and Namaste

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It is horrific. Cruelty, animal torture, abuse of children. Why in God's name didn't people speak out against such barbarism?

Why did they allow these disgusting & diseased mixtures to be injected into innocent animal's brains?

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As I look back, there were a lot of bizzare things going on in that time. All the experiments, even on people. The mind games, the drug games the mind f**kery, as my DIL calls it.

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Probably few back then knew, and the white lab coat rested safely in the majority of minds.

Your same question can be asked now about 5, 4 years ago, and even today.

When the majority of people hold in their hands a powerful, almost instant research tool. Is the white lab, doctor coat still the ultimate influence to silence and question?

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